ANSWERED ON 15.07.2014
Welfare Schemes for Retired Armed Forces Personnel
674 DR. T.N. SEEMA
Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state :-
(a) whether Government has plans to establish old age homes for shelterless single elderly Armed Forces pensioners / veterans in different parts of the country including Kerala;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State / UT-wise;
(c) whether Government is also considering to provide increased family pension or other financial benefits for defence personnel having mentally and physically challenged children; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?
Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state :-
(a) whether Government has plans to establish old age homes for shelterless single elderly Armed Forces pensioners / veterans in different parts of the country including Kerala;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State / UT-wise;
(c) whether Government is also considering to provide increased family pension or other financial benefits for defence personnel having mentally and physically challenged children; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?
(a) & (b): No, Sir. However, Army is establishing two Old Age Homes at Panchkula (Haryana) and Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) on the concept of 'Pay and Stay'.
(c) & (d): The pensionary entitlements of Armed Forces Pensioners have been upwardly revised with effect from 24th September 2012 vide Government letter dated 17th January 2013 as under:-
Ordinary Family Pension:
(i) The pre-2006 family pensioners of Commissioned Officers have been granted minimum guaranteed family pension at 30% of the minimum pay of the rank in the fitment table.
(ii) The pre-2006 family pensioners of JCOs/ORs have been granted family pension at 30% of minimum pay of the rank in the fitment table or 60% of the service pension whichever is higher.
Special Family Pension:
(i) The pre-2006 family pensioners of Commissioned Officers have been granted minimum guaranteed Special Family Pension at 60% of the minimum pay of the rank in the fitment table.
(ii) The pre-2006 family pensioners of JCOs/ORs have been granted Special Family Pension at 60% of minimum pay of the rank in the fitment table or 120% of the service pension whichever is higher.
Liberalised Family Pension:
(i) The pre-2006 family pensioners of Commissioned Officers have been granted minimum guaranteed Liberalised Family Pension at 100% of the minimum pay of the rank in the fitment table.
(ii) The pre-2006 family pensioners of JCOs/ORs have been granted Liberalised Family Pension at 100% of the minimum pay of the rank in the fitment table or 200% of the service pension whichever is higher.
Pension for Physically / Mentally challenged Children: The physically / mentally challenged son / daughter of Armed Forces Pensioners are now eligible for Ordinary Family Pension even after marriage.
With the issue of GoI orders on rank pay case, it is matter of time before GoI accepts the Judiciary's interpretation and implements the same gracefully.